- Azur Fragrances, founded by Andreas Baron Freytag Loringhoven in 1978, has a highly qualified staff of 60.
“We do not perfume a room – especially not the interior of a car. We create a wellness atmosphere.“
— Andreas Freytag von Loringhoven —
CEO Azur Fragrances
What can aromas achieve?
We have been looking into how aromas can improve well-being very intensively based on the principles of aromatherapy. Let me give you a well-known example: The scent of lavender is calming. People have been using the aroma of plant to sleep better for centuries.
And the various effects can be used in divers industries?
Yes. Aromas are often used to guide customers through a shopping mall. But the possible application go much further than that. We are, for example, currently in negotiations with the operator of the subway in a big European metropolis because an aroma can reduce the feeling of claustrophobia.

Perfume production: The bases for the scents are made in Mouans-Sartoux, France. The company attaches importance to manual work.
„I stuck my nose into numerous cars. What did I smell? Glue and plastic. Not something I would associate with such a high-end product.”
So far, customers have not asked for a scent in the car. Why should that change?
I recently visited the Frankfurt Motor Show and stuck my nose into numerous cars. What did I smell? Glue and plastic. Not something I would associate with such a high-end product. I don’t think customers do either. I think people accept it because they do not know anything else.
Which scents can Astra customers look forward to?
There will be two sorts initially: “Balancing Green Tea” and “Energizing Dark Wood”. The first includes elements such as patchouli, cedar, lavender – the aromas are all very soothing. “Energizing Dark Wood” includes bergamot, orange oil and vetiver. People do not have to choose one: The scents can be changed easily as they come in pads.
But can’t perfuming be unpleasant – especially in an enclosed space such as a car?
To make one thing clear: We do not perfumes an enclosed space – especially not the interior of a car. The scent is picked up subliminally. We create a wellness atmosphere. We call it atmospheric conditioning.
The optional AirWellness Aroma System for the center stack was developed exclusively for the Astra. It releases the aroma when connected to the power. Two fragrances, “Balancing Green Team” and Energizing Dark Wood”, created by Azur Fragrances are currently available. The system uses scent pads that can easily be changed.
„We succeeded in creating a unique AirWellness Aroma System – even luxury class cars do not have something comparable.”
How was the cooperation with Opel?
It was a very intensive process. We worked hand in hand with Opel Marketing and the Opel engineers for one year. We did not just develop tow scents. The engineers created a completely new device with the AirWellness System that emits an aroma with the help of power. It was pioneer work.
Could you give us an insight into your creative process?
Gladly. First of all our perfumers created various samples matching the directions “balancing” and “energizing” in the Paris lab. A scent consists of up to 50 ingredients. We presented these samples to the Opel representatives, including CMO Tina Müller, selected the best and refined them. One of our partners in Italy then packed the scents in polymer. Complex scents can be contained so that they are released over a longer period thanks to the plastic. We tested these scent polymers extensively in our test labs on the Côte d’Azur – at various temperatures and over various periods. We easily created 20 tests. These polymers were then turned into pads in Poland. As you can see, it was an elaborate process. But it was worth it. We succeeded in creating a unique AirWellness Aroma System – even luxury class cars do not have something comparable.

The Azur Fragrances HQ is located in Mouans-Sartoux on the Côte d’Azur.

Quality control: All products go through an elaborate process.
Azur Fragrances have their HQ in Mouans-Sartoux on the Côte d’Azur, eight kilometer from Grasse, der capital of perfume. The company, founded by Andreas Baron Freytag von Loringhoven in 1978, has a highly qualified staff of 60. It has a yearly turnover in the two-digit million range. Furthermore, the company has offices in New York, Düsseldorf, New Delhi and Osaka along with labs and a creative center in Paris.
The heart and soul of the company – the production – can be found in Mouans-Sartoux. Here the scents are creating according to the directives passed on from the creative center in Paris. The lab specialists use up to 160 raw materials for a product. Over 3,000 raw material are at their disposal. “We rely completely on manual labor and not on machines,” emphasizes Andreas Baron Freytag von Loringhoven. This is necessary to meet the self-imposed high quality standards.
Last updated October 2015