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Tag der offenen Tür

Aus erster Hand

Die Lauterer Auszubildenden Renè Wenz, Patrick Stenger & Co. stellen jungen Menschen ihre Berufe vor



Für viele Asperner läuft auch die Freizeit sehr PS-bezogen ab – gerne auf zwei Rädern


Lernen fürs Leben

Lehrlingsausbildung bei Opel Wien geht über rein berufliche Inhalte weit hinaus


The Opel Post page
for children

Welcome to BlitzKids, Opel Post’s page for children! Whether tinkering, knowledge or competitions – there is a lot to discover. How would it be to follow in the footsteps of the audacious Fritz and craft your own rocket car? If you ever wanted to know how a car is produced, more


How a car is made

Building cars is a fascinating and complex process. It was quite a challenge to depict the entire production from the steel roll to the finished model in overview. But we gave it a try. Using the Insignia as an example, Opel Post outlines the major phases of the production line more


‘My Dream Car’ Contest

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