2726 Results
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Opel Motoclub Father

150th Birthday of a universal genius: Ernst Neumann-Neander and the Opel Motoclub make mobility affordable


Made by Opel

Der Traum, das Team, die Technik: So entstand der Opel Manta GSe ElektroMOD


Vater der Opel Motoclub

Zum 150. Geburtstag des Universalgenies: Ernst Neumann-Neander und das einzigartige Opel-Motorrad

Opel Astra

Oldie but Goldie

Er verkörpert das Herz der Marke wie kein anderer: Der Opel Astra feiert 30. Geburtstag


“Opel is unique”

An interview with Stephen Norman, Opel's Senior Vice President Sales, Aftersales and Marketing

The new Astra

A New Era

Opel is opening the next chapter
with the sixth, completely newly
developed generation of the Astra

2726 Results
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