- VSCI: Die ADAM-Fahrzeuge formen die Abkürzung des Schweizerischen Carosserieverbands. Sie tragen das Corporate Design der Organisation.
The ADAM boosts the fleet of the Swiss “Carosserieverband” VSCI. 40 units of the small car in its JAM version are currently deployed at “Carromobil”. This project of the industry association exists since 2008. It focuses at individuals, who seek VSCI-operations after a fender bender: providing them with a mobility guarantee during the repair work.
VSCI CEO Guido Guido Buchmeier is very satisfied with the newcomer at the Carromobil fleet: “One feels immediately familiar with this agile racer, he is a perfect replacement car, which customers probably don’t want to give back.”
All 40 ADAM JAM vehicles in the distinctive VSCI design, white with orange stripes, are equipped with the 1.4 liter engine (100 hp), and among other things, with air conditioning, parking pilot system as well as leather steering wheel and 16-inch alloy wheels.