- Der Cascada, Sales Berater Jürgen Walter Mayer (3.v.l.) und die Werkbesucher: Alina Penk, ihre FSJ-Kolleginnen Melanie Unkelbach und Meike Brenner (v.l.) sowie Bongani Justice Makhubela und Thembinkosi Vincent Ngwenya (v.l.), Mitarbeiter der südafrikanischen Pfadfinder-Organisation.
- Opel ist ihr Ding – demnächst auch beruflich: Alina Penk beginnt eine Ausbildung zur Industriekauffrau.
Her Opel apprenticeship as industrial clerk Alina Penk has not even begun, but she has already been tremendously active in the Rüsselsheim plant – in a very special role: as participant of the Voluntary Year of Social Service at the association “Aktion Tagwerk”, the German-wide students campaign “Dein Tag für Afika”. The 19-year-old accompanied employees of the South African Scout Association during a visit to the Opel plant. “In their homeland these professionals assist youth projects on topics such as education , disease prevention and career counseling”, Penk said. “Aktion Tagwerk promotes the initiatives, and in consultation with Opel, we could allow the delegation an insight into the work of the German automotive industry.”
The guests visited among others the place of car purchase for Opel employees, the guidance was held by sales consultant Jürgen Walter Mayer and Lisa Will from the VIP sales team. Bongani Justice Makhubela, who had initiated the trip to Rüsselsheim plant, has especially fallen for the Astra GTC. “A really bombastic vehicle in terms of design and engine”, he remarked. Colleague Thembinkosi Vincent Ngwenya preferred the cabriolet feeling of the Cascada. “The cars with the flash get going better and better in South Africa,” he said. “And I hope that soon more of them can be seen on our roads.”
Also for Alina Penk the appearance in Rüsselsheim was a special experience: “For in my everyday life, much revolves around Opel.” Not only because she drives an ADAM, her father Rüdiger Penk works as carline analyst for Astra vehicles in Rüsselsheim – and “because I like to give an understanding of Opel to anyone who may not necessarily have it in the focus”, she mentioned. Moreover, there is the fact that Alina Penk soon starts by herself at Opel: In September, her apprenticeship as an industrial clerk begins. “I’m looking forward to it very much,” she said, “and I ‚m sure it will be an exciting and good time.”